Localization Status: Chinese (zh)

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  1. 1. User #7444 ?
  2. 2. User #4320 ?
  3. 3. User #2329 ?
Article/Chapter Progress
What is MVC?
100% complete
What is ASP.NET MVC?
100% complete
ASP.NET MVC vs. Web Forms
51% complete
Getting Started
Visual Studio Community
98% complete
Hello, MVC World!
75% complete
Creating a Controller
87% complete
Creating a View
64% complete
Creating a Model
86% complete
100% complete
Basic Razor syntax
5% complete
100% complete
IF Statements
100% complete
100% complete
The switch statement
100% complete
Local Functions
100% complete
Templated delegates
0% complete
97% complete
100% complete
Action Results
100% complete
86% complete
View Discovery: Connecting Controller & View
80% complete
Passing data into Views
1% complete
Partial Views
86% complete
Introduction Not started
Layout Files Not started
The ViewStart file Not started
Sections Not started
The ViewImports file Not started
100% complete
The anatomy of an MVC Route Not started
Attribute routing Not started
Routing Templates Not started
Routing Constraints Not started
100% complete
0% complete
Model Binding Not started
DataAnnotations Not started
Model Validation Not started
Types of Model Validation DataAnnotations Not started
Custom Model Validation Not started
Client-side Model Validation Not started
Manual Model validation with Data Annotations Not started
Tag Helpers
Introduction Not started
Using Tag Helpers Not started
The Form Tag Helper Not started
The Label Tag Helper Not started
The Input Tag Helper Not started
The Textarea Tag Helper Not started
The Select Tag Helper Not started
The Anchor Tag Helper Not started
The Script Tag Helper Not started
The Link Tag Helper Not started
Core Concepts
100% complete
Serving static files
100% complete
Handling Exceptions
0% complete
Handling Errors (404 etc.) Not started
Configuration Not started
Options Not started
Introduction Not started
Query String (GET data) Not started
Forms (POST data) Not started
Cookies Not started
Sessions Not started
Introduction Not started
ResponseCache Not started
OutputCache Not started
In-memory caching with IMemoryCache Not started
Working with databases
Introduction: Picking a database Not started
Picking a database framework Not started
Getting started Not started
TODO List: Models, ViewModels & Helpers Not started
TODO List: The View Not started
TODO List: The Controller Not started